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  1. This truly resonates with me on a deep deep level
  2. So this guy dmed me on reddit ( join r/minecraftclients today) and he claimed he was sellin astolfo. And its just so great. This is his website He allows you to pay with paypal... so im gonna assume hes just gonna get fucked by chargebacks even if anyone decides to use his 100% scam service. His discord profile is a woman for whatever reason and so is his reddit but his reddit hasnt posted anything and his discord was made on 2/10/2021 Please join his discord and leave a fake review, weve just been makin as many people as we can do so... this is what we have sofar, keep in mind, there is a 5 hour cooldown so get it right the first time when you type.
  3. they didnt take the invites they removed invites alltogether temporarily cause shit broken asf. someone correct me if im wrong.
  4. i have never once lied ever not once.
  5. zarzel is steal all your informations