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Everything posted by Royalty

  1. shush, you don't know who you're talking to.
  2. may be an 8k but still way more known than u lmao
  3. they are saved in .zar file
  4. No, i fucked one last night
  5. Leave rep for maybe more private config leaks @popcornsayshi NightHax man cmon Gonna get banned from azura for selling config imagine configs: Deleted Files, Backup HERE Have backups saved on my pc proof hes selling skidded configs: texture packs: His patreon is £2.50 if you want to donate to me for some more paid config leaks feel free to dm me on discord because i like money Discord: ID: 831258964712751134 NightHax#0001 Discord Server Drilled Alts stan lmao imagine 100% Subbots Most recent video is literally other peoples videos put into one
  6. Selling astolfo account for like $10 , uhh i deleted my discord account so idk how you can contact me but im selling my account please buy