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Everything posted by Neztr

  1. my day has gone alright, how about yours
  2. I believe that at the start the alts will be quite expensive, and the number of cheaters will decline; however new methods will be found and new ways to crack accounts.
  3. Neztr


    happy to help bro
  4. yeah when i play with you your cape and astolfo username dont show up rip
  5. When I get banned on bwprac my astolfo crashes lmfao. is that the same for everyone or is my pc just retarded
  6. dont worry astolfo gonna return with the right hook followed by a swift uppercut to watchdog's jaw
  7. what are the 2 clients that you bought that dont bypass?
  8. dont have either in asia (at least where i live)
  9. thank you for this very inspiring post 🙏
  10. quite franky, I find the very idea of you hacking on minecraft appalling! Not to mention you're using cr@cked alts that once belonged to someone else! Please stop you're ruining the game for everyone!!!
  11. "I would like to buy a minecraft hacked client named after a femboy with a giant cock"