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Everything posted by Tux

  1. welp rip, if he/she links there discord they will possibly enforce something
  2. They do offer resellers to pay with PayPal such as dabber and spezz. https://spezz.exchange/store/index.php?/store/product/1-astolfo-access-key/ dapper#0666
  3. By the way you need to install requests you can do so running this command. # Windows: py -m pip install requests # Linux/Mac Os python3 -m pip install requests
  4. Hello everyone, Hope you are all doing good and staying safe. So I decided to release my discord bot based on thealtening API it has the following options: Generate/License/Info, the description of these options can be found here https://panel.thealtening.com/#api (IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE FAVORITE/PRIVATE ACCOUNTS TELL ME I'LL WORK ON CODING IT!) How does it work?: How it works is that the only people who can gen accounts must have the role "MC KID" if the user does so they can use the commands, along with this what you should do is for example make a channel called #bot-commands and type ".help" doing so the bot will dm you the help menu containing all it's commands. (YOU WILL HAVE TO COMPILE THE CODE AND HOST IT YOUR SELF.)(I ALSO RECOMMEND YOU MAKE YOUR BOT "PRIVATE" SO NO ONE CAN STEAL IT AND ADD IT TO THERE SERVER AND GET ACCOUNTS ON YOU!) How does one install discord,py/requests? # Linux/macOS python3 -m pip install -U discord.py # Windows py -3 -m pip install -U discord.py # Windows: py -m pip install requests # Linux/Mac Os python3 -m pip install requests import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord import Game from discord.ext.commands import Bot import requests import json import re #bot prefix bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '.', case_insensitive=True) #bot token token= "" #api info apikey = "" #put your api key here #discord status game = discord.Game("YUM ALL THESE ACCOUNTS!") @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Im ready to gen some accounts') await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=".help")) #await bot.change_presence(activity=game) #removes standard help command bot.remove_command('help') #help command @bot.command(pass_context=True) @commands.has_role('MC KID') async def help(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() embed=discord.Embed(color=0x00ff00) embed.set_author(name="Thealtening Dictonary") embed.add_field(name='Main', value='``.generate`` | Generates a token.\n' '``.license`` | Returns information about the API Key.\n' '``.information`` | Checks if token is invalid or valid.\n', inline=False) embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://i.imgur.com/Pt0iYQN.png") embed.set_footer(text="Gamer Development") await ctx.author.send(embed=embed) #generate @bot.command() @commands.has_role('MC KID') async def generate(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get(f"http://api.thealtening.com/v2/generate?key={apikey}&info=true") r_json = r.json() embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{r_json['username']}", description=f"``Token:`` {r_json['token']}\n``Limit:`` {str(r_json['limit'])}\n", color=0x00ff00) embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"https://cdn.thealtening.com/skins/face/{r_json['skin']}.png") embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {str(ctx.author)}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url) try: embed.add_field(name="Hypixel Level", value=f"{r_json['info']['hypixel.lvl']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="Hypixel Level", value="-", inline=True) try: embed.add_field(name="Hypixel Rank", value=f"{r_json['info']['hypixel.rank']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="Hypixel Rank", value="-", inline=True) try: embed.add_field(name="Mineplex Level", value=f"{r_json['info']['mineplex.lvl']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="Mineplex Level", value="-", inline=True) try: embed.add_field(name="Mineplex Rank", value=f"{r_json['info']['mineplex.rank']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="Mineplex Rank", value="-", inline=True) try: embed.add_field(name="LabyMod Cape", value=f"{r_json['info']['labymod.cape']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="LabyMod Cape", value="-", inline=True) try: embed.add_field(name="5Zig Cape", value=f"{r_json['info']['5zig.cape']}", inline=False) except: embed.add_field(name="5Zig Cape", value="-", inline=True) await ctx.author.send(embed=embed) #license @bot.command() @commands.has_role('MC KID') async def license(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get(f"http://api.thealtening.com/v2/license?key={apikey}") r_json = r.json() embed=discord.Embed(title=f"Checking Your License", description=f"Username: {r_json['username']}\nHaslicense: {str(r_json['hasLicense'])}\nLicenseType: {r_json['licenseType']}\nExpires: {r_json['expires']}\n", color=0x00ff00) embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://i.imgur.com/Pt0iYQN.png") embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {str(ctx.author)}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url) await ctx.author.send(embed=embed) #information @bot.command() @commands.has_role('MC KID') async def information(ctx, token): await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get(f"http://api.thealtening.com/v2/info?key={apikey}&token={token}") r_json = r.json() embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{r_json['username']}", description=f"Expries: {r_json['expires']}\n", color=0x00ff00) embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"https://cdn.thealtening.com/skins/face/{r_json['skin']}.png") embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {str(ctx.author)}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url) await ctx.author.send(embed=embed) #info (about) command @bot.command(name='info', aliases=['about']) @commands.has_role('MC KID') async def info(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() #description of the bot embed = discord.Embed(title='Thealtening Bot', description='This bot allows you to genearate/check tokens at the Thealtening alts shop.', color=0x00ff00) #gives info about us here embed.add_field(name='Made by', value='Tux - xFueY - Godd') #Shows the number of servers the bot is in embed.add_field(name='Server count', value=f'{len(bot.guilds)}') #sends the embed message embed.set_footer(text="Gamer Development") await ctx.author.send(embed=embed) #runs the bot bot.run(token, bot=True)