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Posts posted by Ceriii

  1. Greetings fellow ASTOLFO user,

    I am making this step by step guide for people that are depending on multiple JDKs and JREs, be it for other clients or applications. I have personally had this problem and it was really annoying to solve, so that's why I am sharing it!

    First step:

    Install all desired JDKs and JREs (including the one you need for Astolfo:  https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp  the offline version)

    Second Step, I believe:  

    Set the system variables:

    (Not sure if this step is needed but try first without this, if it doen't work without this then do it lol)

    Search for this:


    Go to Environment Variables


    Click new



    Set the Variable name to JAVA_HOME (IMPORTANT: all caps)

    and Variable value to where your jdk/jre is! (In my case: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_341)

    If you want to use Astolfo put on the one you downloaded from the forum, if you want to use a program/client that is dependend on another jdk/jre change it to the jdk/jre to the one it needs.



    Then go to Path, click it once so it becomes blue, then click Edit

    1080524510_clickpath.png.d345665e6e4e30ef1a7aade3eee49d0a.pngnext to click is supossed to be a 1 (as in first step xd)


    Click New


    and type in %JAVA_HOME%\bin

    IMPORTANT: Click MOVE UP until it is on the top of the list

    Do this if you understand this:

    [It has to be at least on top of the oracle paths and/or others, such as adoptium so they don't overtake priority and make it use another jdk/jre because it has bigger priority in the Path (the one in the black box for example)]

     If you didn't understand, do this (aka. for idiots xD):

    Always have %JAVA_HOME%\bin at the top of the list, check up on it every time you install a new jdk/jre and move it to the top if it's not anymore there!


    Click Ok, Ok again and Ok once again, so it closes the Edit Environment Variables and Applies them (lol).

    Now go into cmd and run:

    java -version

    and check up if it's the right java version you need!

    If it isn't you did something wrong in these steps!


    Third Step:

    Go into Astolfo, Login and click the Astolfo Logo located in the top left corner. Then click: Set javaw.exe Path

    Find your Path to the given JDK from the forums, double click into it, then go to bin and then search javaw.exe and select it. In my case it's in:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_341\bin\javaw.exe

    It should normally install here, but if it's not in here, you need to search for it where it installed it. Normally this happens when you manually selected another place to install it.

    Then click Back

    (Yes , yes my coloring is very trippy and shitty ik, ik :C)

    Now start and enjoy, if you have problems comment on this post and I'll try my best to help you out. I can't guarantee that this will work for you, it worked for me so that's why I am sharing it!