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Posts posted by NotDuckie

  1. On 1/15/2021 at 8:13 PM, qwoqa said:


    I know that your gonna call me a n-word supporter or a f slur. But firstly whats wrong with being black? People that are black can't control. And thinking that all blacks rob stores or like have guns all the time is NOT true. Secondly people that are LGBTQ+ or normal people. People should be able to love who ever they love, and change their gender if they want. Thirdly you have to be like 9 years old to actually have the stupidity to make this awful post that justs proofs that you're a degenerate. Also saying that you want to make a "KKK Cape" and jokingly gonna start a GoFundMe over that shit makes me feel bad for your mom that had u inside of her for 9 months for you to come out like this. If you support BlackKlansMan you actively support the killing of black and jewish people which is awful. Please re think ur life. Go outside and touch some grass.

    ahhahahahahahahhahaah lgbtq "people"

  2. 2 minutes ago, DeKrypted said:


    I am gonna get some extra money on gift cards etc. but I am not able to use this money for alts, I am getting it in astolfo credit. Either I use it for I dont. I will still get some $100-150 in visa cards or whatever I can use that.


    Also on february 2nd I want some happy birthday messages anyone who doesn't wish me a happy birthday will be executed (jk ily)

    You can use the money to buy years subscription of custom astolfo cape

  3. 8 minutes ago, KingLA said:

    I’m going to take this as you being serious. If this is how you feel then I am sorry for you. I took the time to read this and I could not agree with you more. This community is toxic. Obviously every community is at-least somewhat toxic but we shouldn't use other servers as an excuse to be toxic. This server is full of people around the age of 12-16 that don’t understand that there is a line between being toxic just to piss someone off and actually being racist or hurtful. Even if you say it jokingly, calling someone who is actually black “nigger”, is not ok and is very racist. Regardless of if you are joking that it a bad look for you. Take it from the most hated person in this community, you just have to move on. This community willingly accepts racism and sexism and that should not be tolerated. The rules are not heavily reinforced. Mods are quick to mute for goofy stuff like saying something besides “wawa” in the wawa channel but simply fail or delay muting racist or toxic members. I am not directing this at anyone. I am aware that i am toxic but i hope people can forgive me for making bad decisions to say stuff that i don’t mean. Please know that you aren't the only one in the community that feels this way. Sadly no matter who started the argument or purposely used my disease (bipolar) against me to try to get me banned or muted, I'm always the one under the spotlight. I apologize to @MichaelXFif I caused him trouble by releasing his v2 script that was private. I stand by my opinion that scripts for an already private client is wrong. But that shouldn’t justify my decision the release the script. I did not take an old leak and re-release it. It was genuine v2 code just with the v1 line. I hope he can forgive me even though it shouldn’t matter because all of this drama whether its between me and him or anyone is all over a game. I get that not everyone will care or accept my apology but just know that my actions should not mean that you get to shame or bully me for my skin color or my disease. What you may take as a joke isn’t a joke to me. Every day I have to live with being a minority in a majority white world and deal with discrimination and profiling not just over the internet but also in real life. The younger kids of this community should know better especially since they likely wouldn’t say that irl. If you wouldn’t say it irl you shouldn’t say it online. It’s still hurtful and racist even online. That is why you see people who get fired from jobs for being racist online. ITS NOT A JOKE! -KingLA

    So you're against the word "nigger" but fine with saying "retard"? Literally just let people say what they want, if you don't like what someone says then block and ignore them.