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  4. I need a way of disabling anti bot so ka can hit bots, for servers that use bots in order to get kills like pit remakes. As of right now i can use ka on the bots so if some1 has some ideas or some script to fix this issue that would be awsome
  5. the cheat is dead
  6. Earlier
  7. i lost, but i have a access key, how i can use it?
  8. In the vast world of virtual blocks and endless possibilities, there was a legend among the coding wizards of Minecraft, known only as Zarzel. Renowned for creating the most innovative bypasses and seamless experiences, Zarzel was an entity feared by the hypixel staff group. Then, one day, Zarzel vanished... Months turned into years, and the legend became a myth. But in the hidden depths of discord, a spark ignited. Rumors began to circulate of a mysterious update being deployed to the Astolfo client, an update that promised to revolutionize the community once more. In a private corner of the digital realm, Zarzel had returned. With a flurry of bypasses, the developer had come back with new features into existence, features so advanced they seemed like magic. The Astolfo Client update that allowed players to soar through bedwars games at 140bps with the new watchdog flight, 30bps scaffold, the so called "TP AURA" was back, and that was just the beginning. Zarzel worked in secret, enhancing the client not for fame or fortune, but for the pure joy of creation. The client became invite only, a treasure shared only with a select few who appreciated the art of the game. And so, the legend of Zarzel lived on, not as a ghost from the past, but as a silent guardian of the future, pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the pixelated universe of Minecraft.
  9. you need to do .script reload then .script enable <filename> for each script
  10. I've put some scripts for hypixel and blocksmc in the scripts folder but when i open the game and click on the scripts gui i cant find anything. Can someone help me with this?
  11. i got banned for fucking chest esp, lmao wasnt me havent been on in a week or so
  12. configs folder doesnt exist, throw it in with the rest of the files
  13. I have bought astolfo a long time ago and when i go into the files i cant see the config folder. Can someone help me?
  14. If u were the hopper that tried to kill me istg 😠
  15. i havent been active in damn near 2 years and this is still being posted on when is this shit community going to die
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